Hidden Gems: The Utility Belt (Bronze Age) – Tom Shanabarger

by Tom Shanabarger   

            Welcome back to another installment of Hidden Gems.  Let's just get this out of the way now, while I did use the correct name in the title, for the rest of the article I will be calling it the Bat Belt. This Resource is one of the more interesting offerings out there as it is super cheap, and versatile.  I feel that Bat Belt gets overlooked a lot because it can be a little intimidating at first glance.  That said if you have the points left over and are not using a resource already you really should give it a try. The first part of this will be simply covering the basics you need to know.  I will give you the most streamlined way to play it that anyone can pick up and understand quickly and have great results.  After that we will dive deeper into the items and how to make the most of them.

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