Brazilian Nationals Tournament Report – Tiago Pinto da Luz

Brazilian Nationals Tournament Report

Tiago Pinta Da Luz



 By Tiago Pinto da Luz


Hello everyone, my name is Tiago Pinto da Luz and I’m the Brazilian National Champion of 2015. I’m here to talk about my journey to the top and the Brazilian metagame.

Everything started while building my team; I really wanted to use Greed+Ion and Omega Drive, because this “counters everything” without Line of Fire is awesome. With this in mind, my first team was:

100 WKD15-003 Koriand’r
25 WOL060P Black Hand
8 JLTWS104 Greed
67 JLTW065 Greed
3 DPS101 Omega Drive
25 WOL062P Ion
25 FFJLTW007 Atomica
2 WOLR100 Power Battery (Green Lantern Corps)
8 WOLR300 Green Lantern Ring
6 WOLR200.14 Sniper Rifle (Green)
10 WOLR200.04 Wall (Green)
6 WOLR200.06 Decoy (Green)
5 AVASAVID-002 Hawkeye
5 AVASAVID-003 Falcon
5 AOUAUID-008 Wonder Man

I was pretty confident with this team; however one thing that was bothering me was an opposing Green Power Battery. Kori will have Running Shot with good movement, but it isn’t as effective as Outsiders+HSS+Sidestep. But then, the Nick Fury set was released and I saw the awesome SR Nick Fury…The first thing I thought was “wow, a Greed that can hit like hell”. So I changed my team for a version with Koriandr+Nick Fury. This team was really solid and was working a lot. But Kori without the Greed Relic doesn’t have Sidestep and I didn’t want to use an Ophidian because I was playing her with Ion and she survives a lot with Ion’s Defenses. Another problem was the bonus from the Ion+Green Power Battery being removed by the Outsiders TA. This was my next team:

120 NFAOS056 Nick Fury
25 WOL060P Black Hand
100 WKD15-003 Koriand’r
25 WOL062P Ion
2 WOLR100 Power Battery (Green Lantern Corps)
8 WOLR300 Green Lantern Ring
6 WOLR200.14 Sniper Rifle (Green)
10 WOLR200.04 Wall (Green)
4 WOLR200.11 Bulldozer (Green)

But then, in a fun game with my girlfriend I used the Composite Superman (never used him before) and after the game I went to the internet to see if I was using him right because he was just ridiculously awesome, a Swiss-Army knife, if you will, of control and destruction. With this I changed my team one more time to its final version:

Nick Fury 120
– Black Hand 25
Composite Superman 100
– Ion 25
Green Lantern Power Battery 2
-Green Lantern Ring 8
-Crossbow 10
-Wall 10

Total: 300

White Witch
Mon-el LE
Phantom Girl
Cosmic Boy (gravity feed)
Lighting Lad
All Green Constructs

This team has everything, with two Probability Controls (since Composite starts on click 7, Ion starts out giving Invincible and Probability Control to him). Nick Fury offers more control and a good damage output. Usually the first turn was just “choosing” the Composite Super dice, Roll the first, if don’t like use the effect to play it again, and reroll this second dice. Phantom Girl\Ultra Boy without a doubt was the most used.

So, with this team I went to the Nationals, the first strange thing was the resources; half of the players were using a Green Power Battery, and the second most used resource was the Yellow Power Battery. Since I look at HCRealms quite a bit, my expectation was more Indigo and Orange Power Batteries. There were some Zombie Team Bases too. Another strange thing I noticed was that there were very few Ultron Drones, and only two Nighthawk Prime teams.

In the first day I played against the following teams:

*Red Power Battery Team that was using Gluttony, Resurrection Man and Grasshopper
*Blue Lantern Themed Team ( with Nick Fury possessed by Adara)
*A team with Iron Man 001 from the IIM set with Harley Quinn and Power Plant,  * Phantom Girl possessed by Proselyte and Nick Fury possessed by Black Hand using Green Power Battery.
*Two Zombies Team Bases.

After the first day of competition I was 2nd after the Swiss Rounds and into the Top 8. The first match was against Weimar (Brazilian National Champion of 2013).  He was playing a team with two Koriandr’s, Red Rood ATA on both, Phoenix Force, 2 ID Cards, and some Pogs from The Winter Soldier set (one that can use Support).
It was a very close match since my Nick Fury couldn’t target the Koriand’rs, but after two mistakes made by him, where he left one of the Koriand’rs close to Nick Fury. Then Nick Fury received 3 perplex (one from himself, one from Composite and one from the Power Battery) made the Sidestep and hit the Koriand’r pretty hard. He then tried to Support the Koriandr that was in click 3, instead the one on click 6. With this my Composite used the Phantom Girl power to KO the Koriand’r and the time was called shortly after. I won 109-0.

The next match was another close one, against Jeziel. He was playing Banshee (w/Ophidian), Greed (w/Ion), Atomica and Orange Power Battery. After some turns just moving and positioning characters, he make TKs Banshee, and hits a Running Shot with Pulse Wave and the Bulldozer on the Composite Superman. He KO’ed the Composite, but doing this left Banshee totally open to the Nick Fury Ranged Combat Expert. So, Nick Fury KO’ed Banshee with a 6-Damage penetrating shot. So the rest of the game was just positioning, Barriers, and a lack of Improved Movement, since we were playing in the Ryut Map. The time was  then called and I barely won, 131-125.

Now I’m in the Finals of the Brazilian National Championship against Guilherme Tauil, a very good player that was using an OMA with Trinity War Superman possessed by Parallax and Sinestro Power Battery. He had some problems due to the map, the Legion of Doom Hall. With Phantom Girl’s Special Power+Wall Construct and Nick Fury removing his Hypersonic Speed he was unable to make one attack on the match. It ended with a Ranged Combat Expert attack from Nick Fury for 5 penetrating damage.

And there you have, my report of the 2015 Brazilian Nationals! I really want to play in Ohio in next year, I know that the game style from here to there will be very different but I want to see how far I can go. Thanks for reading!