A Month in Review – April 2016 – Aaron Cantu

A5 - Majestix - Monthly ROC Report

Aaron Cantu (1)




by Aaron Cantu


April in Review - Goodbye Limited Format

April has come and gone, and with that, more ROC events. In total there were 5 major events this month and of the five events, four of them were in the Limited format. Why only four? Well, the last event has shifted the ROC standard format to the 300 Modern Age format in order to help players test play and prepare for the 2016 Heroclix World Championships. This is really a bittersweet feeling for me as I really enjoy the Limited format. It allowed enough game elements to keep variety in the game without flattening out many of the unique pieces that fall to Tactic heavy teams. At the same time, opening the door to all tactics really makes for some unique combinations of figures that wouldn't otherwise be very competitive.

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