Team List – Franklin Galactus Generation (Modern Age) – Lucas Tom Van Holland

by Lucas Tom Van Holland

Happy New Years Apex Insiders! 2021 is upon us, and with it comes a continuation of the current state of the world, at least for a while from what we can tell. Online events are still being fired from time to time, and it can be pretty difficult to get the motivation to keep up with this game anymore. Recently Brad Broyles started running some for cash tournaments that have been getting some traction, so I decided to dust off a few solid figures to see if I could make something of a mechanic I personally had not tried out in a live environment. My goal for 2021, at least until live events start up again, is to play new teams with different figures I have never fielded before as a way to test myself and keep the game exciting and fresh. Comment down below if you would like me to write about more teams I field that may seem more “non-conventional” in nature. 

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