Team List – Sentinels (Modern Age) – Jason Collins

by Jason Collins

Sentinels for Modern?

For quite a few players in the game of Heroclix, their introduction to the X-Men was the X-Men: The Animated Series of the 1990s! And as such, the first X-Men villains they were introduced to wese the dreaded purple giants, the Sentinels! 

The Sentinels are a seemingly endless army of large robots hell bent on getting rid of the X-Men. This is a flavor that has been very well captured in the latest Heroclix set based on that same series, but the difference here is where the never ending source of purple robots. Where in the animated series, Master Mold was the AI factory of the robots, in this set, we see a new source the robot, Bastion.

Bastion is a comic book villain who is the combination of different parts of Nimrod and Master Mold. Parts they seemed to really nail in the 2 version of the character they introduced in this set. 2 Versions we plan on using!

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