Team List – Tri-Sentinels (Modern Age) – Lucas Tom Van Holland

by Lucas Tom Van Holland

Hey there insiders! I hope you all are doing well. Hopefully the world getting back to normal is on the horizon and by the end of this year, we will be able to roll dice face to face once again. With the Wizkids rotation announcement on 3/23/21, we now know what will be available for the coming 2021-2022 season of competitive Heroclix! With rotation, comes the series of goodbyes to meta staples which have appeared at nearly every event for years. There is also always a push to get at least one more event in with that figure or team you really enjoyed piloting. You know what that means! The time has come once again for another team breakdown! Saturday 3/27/21 Brad Broyles will be hosting what will probably by my final tournament with the current meta. It wouldn’t be right if I didn’t give one final homage to the figure that has brought me a ton of success over the past three years: Tri-Sentinel.

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