Team List: U.S. Nationals (Origins) – New Death – PJ Bolin

by PJ Bolin

Hello Apex Insiders!  Origins is this weekend, and we all know what that means.  Heroclix U.S. Nationals!  This will be my 3rd time in attendance at Nationals, and I am hoping to keep up the streak of making top cut with something innovative.  In 2016, I piloted my Robot build to Top 8, where I lost to Scott Cramton (who went on to win the event).  In 2017, I piloted my Overdrive + Sam Cap team to the finals where I lost to Dustin Seeders!  Now, in 2018, I am looking to pilot Mistress Death to a loss to whoever wins the whole event!  I mean, to win the event.  Yeah, that.  Let’s get started here with a breakdown of the build! I am expecting to catch a decent amount of my opponents off guard with this setup.  Unless they are smart, like all of you, and read this article!

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