Team Tactics: Fringe Force – Galactus, Devourer of Worlds – Lucas Tom Van Holland

by Lucas Tom Van Holland

Hey there insiders! Hope everyone is making out ok during the end of this bone-chilling year called 2020. As we all know, clix has really taken a sharp turn from a magnificent hobby we all love to play with our buddies on a regular basis, to a faint dream of fun one had barely supported by a spattering of online events. While some have it better/worse than others, I myself have 0 local scene availability and have to rely on online play if I want to enjoy the game at all. These circumstances have made it rather difficult to find motivation when it comes to my writing. Not having events, regular practice, and actual human interaction makes it rather difficult to be excited about any particular game element or interaction. While its certainly nice that House of X will be releasing shortly, not being able to actually use my shiny new figures feels rough. These feelings I am sure many of you have as well.

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