Team Tactics – ID Card Updates (ROC Age) – Jay Solomon

Jay Solomon by Jay Solomon

With all the new ID cards in X-Men Xavier’s School, and ROC Age being the current hot format, I figured I’d make an article focusing on the upcoming Majestix ROC Age format; useful Call-Ins with these new ID card options.

WXM047A Jubilee

Jubilee’s Energy Explosion special power makes her a solid call-in. Either handing out tokens when she hits (meaning that the opposing character doesn’t need to take damage), or giving -2 to Attack, with a potential 11-Attack make her a decent threat, and a relatively cheap one too. Once she hits, you can force your opponent to either clear, or not use a character to attack due to the -2 Attack.

WXM016 Cyclops

The Cyclops ID was already going to see play, thanks to the Age of Apocalypse chase, so bringing more options isn’t a bad thing. I like that this Cyclops has solid values, especially on damage, only being an uncommon, as well as being able to shut off team abilities, such as Power Cosmic/Quintessence to get rid of those characters’ PROTECTED: Outwit.

WXM057 Cyclops

This Cyclops is here primarily to be a real boy option, although the 150 point dial could be a decent call-in too. At 295, being able to do all sorts of knockback with his special attack power can mess up opposing positioning nicely. Randomly giving all opposing Avengers a -1 to Attack can be nice too.

AVX009 Cyclops

You’ll probably be wanting to call in this Cyclops (at 100) if there are opposing JW Green Lanterns, or small amounts of blocking terrain on the map. Being able to Running Shot into adjacency, shoot a character besides the one he is based with, and using free Force Blast on the character he is based with can make for some serious shenanigans.

100 WXM209 Jean Grey

While basically worse in every way, this Jean is at the very least an affordable alternative to the new chase, and one of the few offensively focused Jean Greys.

WXM060 Emma Frost

Another option for power 3 on the Avengers Round Table/Justice League Teleporter, this Emma brings a lot of utility and offenses. While her top-dial defenses are not great, there isn’t much of a chance that she’ll be one-shotted. Her mobility is ridiculous, with Hypersonic Speed and self-TK, for a 22 square swing. On clearing turns, being able to use free TK is also useful, as is her 9-square Outwit.

WKM15-005 White Queen

We’ve seen ID card call-ins that bring in bystander tokens become very popular. While this Emma Frost doesn’t have great numbers, outside of her 12-Attack with Mind Control, bringing in 5 bystanders with Psychic Blast (albeit with low Attack values) can be useful, if only to force your opponent to spin your Teleporter/Round Table dial. Also, it’s worth noting that under current rules, she can roll for her trait to see if the Cuckoo’s actions don’t count on the turn after she is called in, before she goes away, so you at least might be able to position the Cuckoos that next turn without negatively affecting your team.

M10A015 Magneto

This Magneto is relatively cheap for a 4-Damage call-in both money and points wise, and that’s about it.

AVX014 Magneto

This Magneto is primarily here to be a real boy, but if you can call him in for a big Pulse Wave during the game, that could be useful too.

M10A007 Storm

This Storm is dirt cheap, points and money wise, and her Ranged Combat Expert gives her some offensive options, while her Stealth should help her defensively.

M10A020 Storm

In addition to having decent numbers, mobility, and penetrating damage, Storm’s free Force Blast when she has no tokens brings a bit more utility, if you need to deal with a particularly annoying tie-up piece. Also, her couple trait with Black Panther can be relevant if you happen to be playing one, such as ADW058 on the Kennie Peña Mistress Death team.

WXM065 Storm

This Storm has a very rare type of trait, being able to replace her damage value. If her target is within 5 squares, she will have her damage value replaced with 4. Even if you only have one use of Enhancement adjacent to her, that’s still 5-damage, if you don’t need to use the Pulse Wave Storm as a call-in.

DOFP012 Storm

This Storm is primarily an option in the case of a Robots match-up (sorry PJ!). Even outside of that, Energy Explosion and Force Blast can mess up some formations nicely.

DOFP013 Wolverine

Finishing off this list, this Wolverine is on the list for very simple reasons. Charge, Flurry, Blades/Claws/Fangs are great offensively, and his Empower and Inspiration (FREE: Heal 1 click.) are very useful for helping out the rest of the team.