The Learning Curve – Top 10 Maps in Modern Age – Jay Solomon

Jay Solomon by Jay Solomon

Welcome to another pre-2018 ROC World Cup article! Today, I’ll be taking a look at one of the most important game elements in the game, something that can make or break an individual game for the low cost of 0 points. It’s the map! I’ll be breaking down the top 10 maps that you should expect to see, and why they are played. I’ll also be including some specific tips/combos that are played with the maps, as well as the team archetypes that like to play on those specific maps. Special Rules and Location Bonuses will be colored orange, since that is the color that they are on maps. Some rankings on the list will have overlapping maps. This is due to similarity of function, not due to any maps having the exact same layout of each individual square of terrain. When it comes to an individual team, one such map may be preferred, but they share rankings due to overall similarity.

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