The Player’s Pulse – The Rage Report – Travis Roberts

 by Travis Roberts

Hello Apex Insiders I am Ares Edge and I will be your host for a column that I like to call the Players Pulse. This will be a hodgepodge of articles with stories from the battle field, the things that you love and hate about the game, the 4W ( What We Want Wizkids! ) and so much more!

This edition of the Players Pulse we are going to talk about the Rage Report! The things in this game that drive you crazy and the times you’ve lost your cool. This particular time it happened to be none other than myself. Now I’m not going to lie I can become extremely frustrated with the game in general, my players, the pace a game is going, and the list goes on. We all have our tics when it comes to Heroclix, but what happened to me was a 1 in 46,655 chance. Yes you read that correctly. It was the biggest uppercut to the groin that could have possibly happened to me at that very moment.

Playing a multi player game, three players on the map including myself. I had the Jokers wild Batman starter figure on the map and was attempting to hit both my competitors with their figures clumped together. I needed only a 5 to hit, after a few nicely placed perplexes, and I crushed that rolling an 11. Then the words that no player wants to hear after hitting were mumbled by one of my opponents “I will prob that”. Cockily, I scooped the dice up and proceeded to roll a critical miss. Instantly there was laughter at the table as they all knew this was going to be my downward spiral. I scooped up the dice tossed them in my case and grabbed a new set, declared another attack and proceeded to roll yet another critical miss. I sat back in the seat dumbfounded. The laughter and smack talk continued, as I could feel the anger start to creep up the back of my neck. I laughed myself, as this was one of those moments that you couldn’t do anything but that. I passed the rest of my turn and waited to see what my opponents would do next.


What seemed like an eternity finally passed and it was my turn. Batman was still there and primed to try and “Hit you with my hands and my feet” again. A few moves to free up a Perplex and an Outwit and I was ready to have the last laugh. NOPE!!! Those two single pips stared back at me and my players lost their minds with laughter! The man who always talks so much trash just rolled 3 critical misses in a row and before I know it those dice were sent off into the abyss, also known as where ever the hell they landed in the store. Poker players would call this “being on tilt.” I called it a string of expletives that just made the players laugh harder as we had to pause the action for them to get their act together and for me to dig out a new pair of dice and get my s*** together.

I couldn’t tell you who won the match or anything else from that day. But it is a memory of the worst luck and the best time playing Heroclix. Get in touch, let me hear your stories and let’s have fun with these articles! I’m so proud to be a part of this community and to write for you Apex Insiders. Until next time I’m Ares Edge and may all your rolls be critical hits.

Travis Roberts