Tournament Recap – Kentucky Invitational (Modern Age) – Tommy Lytle

by Tommy Lytle

Kaiju Games Win a Brick – Kentucky State Invitational


Welcome to Morehead, KY!!!  Probably not something any of you have ever heard or even know where this little town is located.  We are in eastern Kentucky about an hour east of Lexington right off of I-64 if any of that helps. 

On Saturday July 10th we decided to host a win a brick, this event began as the brain child of Randy Carter who wanted to host something at one of the conventions being held in Lexington and as that process didn’t come to fruition we were able to step in at Kaiju games and host.  Did I mention that Randy even donated a Fulcrum Abominus for prizing?  Once we decided to host, the owner of Kaiju games Alex Salisbury was extremely supportive and dug in to find product for us to give out (the hope was rise and fall but we all know that has panned out) along with making sure we had product for BRs and setting up a preregistration site for the store.  After all of that we wanted to make sure that everyone who came to the event left with some sort of prize especially given the fact we would like for this to turn into the KY State Championship each year and that we really haven’t had many/any in person events for the past year. 

Now on to the event itself, we had 20 players from all over the place show up which included a couple of world champions.  We wanted to have dice rolling by 11am and with everyone’s help with being on time and having most of the build sheets complete we were about 11:10 so kudos to all the players who made that happen.  We were able to complete 5 rounds of swiss with a top 8 cut by around 8:30pm so all in all a pretty good day and everyone seemed to be in good spirits all day long.  We were also lucky enough to have 2 streamers for the day, Chris Cottrill from Clix Bait and Dan Powell from Clixed Off so I wanted to give them a great big thank you for everything they did for the event.  Dan and Clixed Off also donated some prizing for us and we truly appreciate it.

The day itself went pretty smooth as far as issues relating to play, lots of questions were asked with the new rules and playing face to face some had more questions than others, yes I am looking at you Jason Alvey!!  To give you a little bit of a breakdown of the type of teams we saw, the short answer is DOOM.  There were a lot of teams that revolved around Doom and Latveria, for the most part it made up around 75% of the field.  Then you had some Monster teams and one team in particular that intrigued me was a Darkseid team that did really well and looked very fun to play.  Some other standouts was an Immortal Hulk build that I had seen before but loved watching it being played since he is my favorite character.  Overall seeing the different variations of teams with Doom on them was very interesting and will inevitably be part of the meta for the foreseeable future. 

The last thing I want to talk about is how great it was to see people back to playing in person.  As I judged the event I got to watch the interactions between the players at each table, it was great to see people smiling and truly enjoying each other’s company.  What most people don’t know was that the venue moved from one location to where we held this event in less than a week, as a matter of fact I was moving and setting up tables on Friday night just to pull this off.  After seeing the enjoyment, the fellowship and the friends I haven’t seen for some time I wouldn’t have changed a thing about all the work.  I can certainly tell that the Heroclix Family is certainly ready and eager for more events in person.

If any of you are traveling through Morehead, KY on any given Sunday please stop in at Kaiju games and join us, you will always be welcome.