Space Cadets ROC SQ Tournament Report (Oak Ridge North, TX) – Joshua Earnest

Majestix - Clix O The Week 2

Winner of the Space Cadets Super Qualifier - Josh Earnest!








by Joshua Earnest

Before any upcoming Super Qualifiers I plan on attending I sit down and write up an article detailing my thought process for the team I plan to play. I go through all the ins and outs, strengths and weaknesses, my thoughts for the tournament and the like. The problem in this situation is that I only decided to play my team the night before we left town at around midnight. I had been planning to field a team that featured Abominable Snowman from the Wizkids holiday figures, but I had a concern so I got a ruling. Since the Wizkids holiday figures are neither Marvel nor DC they are not legal for the Silver Age Limited format Space Cadets was running. I had to re-think teams I had considered and never finished since I didn’t want to be disqualified for an illegal build (again! But that’s another story…). Considering how things worked out for me down in Houston it’s probably just as well!

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