Tournament Report – World Championship – Saul Elizondo

 by Saul Elizondo

First, I can say that it was an event that I quite enjoyed every way. I would like to start with that all the people were so kind and nice to us from the moment we arrived. We were all extremely excited to be back after a few years away, so the atmosphere was really nice overall.

The World Team tournament started, and I played with my brother Richie Elizondo and our friend Oscar Maldonado. At the end of the rounds, we finished in 17th place with two X-Men themed teams and one Robots themed team. I think it was a very good performance for a brick without many strong pieces.

We arrive at Saturday to start with the main event. I will share my team and its side line:

1st Place – Saul Elizondo
75 The Scarlet Witch
70 Magik w/ Sword Bearer
50 Sakaarian Iron Man
35 Mad Jim Jaspers
30 Felix Faust
25 Professor X (Swap)
15 Marvella
Tarot Deck: The High Priestess, Queen of Wands, Seven of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Ace of Cups
Sideline: HX054 Jubilee, XMXS048 Deadpool, AFFE069 Venom Magneto, XMXS052 Hope Summers, FFFFs006 Emotional Modifier, FFFFs007 Radioactive Clay, MSDPs004 Cloak of Levitation, SVCs004 Carnage Symbiote, WW80s001 The Angler
Maps: Otherworld Castle, Negative Zone, Desert Wedding

The gameplay of the team was based on having answers in any scenario that might arise. Oscar, Richie and I were working on different versions where we could emulate the way that the TCGs work with their sideboard but this time, in the Heroclix game.

The first scenario was if you lost roll and the opponent wasn’t Thanos or X-Men you would automatically switch to Hope Summers and Venom Magneto. The second scenario was a losing roll against Thanos in which you would switch to Deadpool and Venom Magneto. The third scenario was if you lost and went against the X-Men, or someone who had access to Jubilee with some Otherworld map where you would trade for Jubilee and Magneto. In case you win the roll, you will automatically switch to Jubilee and Venom Magneto.

The main combo if you won was to send Scarlet Witch to the other side of the map and generate rune using only two actions by using double TK from Venom Magneto and The Angler swapped for the Darkhold via Mad Jim. The third action was to give the Cloak of levitation to Sakaarian Iron Man and the fourth was to walk + Ssidestep to give the two objects to Sakaarian.

The team had plenty of options for each scenario as the sideline items were there to capitalize on any situation that might arise and making the most of stronger alternatives like the emotional modifier or radioactive clay. The Tarot deck was focused on giving as much synergy as possible since, unless Venom Magneto wasn’t on the map, you wouldn’t have dead cards in any situation.

Going to the rounds I will narrate them briefly:

Round 1:

BYE round for the points.

Round 2: Monster Team with Blackheart and Sky Tyrant.

I won the map roll and swapped Jubilee and Venom Magneto. I did the Scarlet Witch combo and on my second turn I was able to take out Sky Tyrant and Blackheart. After that, I was able to take the lead of the round.

Round 3: Double Lockjaw Animal Team

I lost the map roll, and my opponent placed a map that had one of the starting lines separated. Additionally, it was indoor and with many walls. I chose that my opponent split his force in two. I managed to freeze half of my opponent’s team by sending Scarlet Witch to the other side of the map and placing the Rune, being sure she couldn’t be damaged by the Maggot’s tokens.

My opponent moved a few pieces off the Rune, but left a Maggot exposed and with a Sakaarian + Enhancement from Felix Faust I was able to take him out. A turn later I was able to go for another Maggot thanks to multiple Outwits with Sakaarian, Hope Summers, and Felix Faust. My opponent couldn’t take any points from me but I only scored two Maggots.

Round 4: Scientist with Wizard

My opponent won the roll, went to Wedding Desert map. He equips on the first turn and stays in its starting line. I sent Scarlet Witch across the map to try to freeze most of his force, and get Sakaarian ready for the next turn. My opponent used actions to get some figures out of the Rune, so he could use their powers, he tried to attack the Witch, but he couldn’t finish her off. The next turn I had a full team swing with Sakaarian fully charged and I started to take advantage. Felix Faust prevented Outwit, Prob and Perplex, and during the next turn I managed to control the game.

Round 5: Thanos with Mad Jim

In this matchup I won the map roll,  my opponent had the exact same team as my teammate Oscar did, so I knew the matchup. I do my swap for Jubilee and Venom Magneto; I did the Scarlet Witch combo and left Sakaarian charged. My opponent makes a move with Thanos to get out from the Rune and tries to Mind Control. Next turn, Scarlet moves and freezes Thanos again; Sakaarian and Jubilee dealt 10-damage with Felix Faust’s Enhancement. A turn later Thanos was out of actions.

Round 6: Thanos with Destroyer vs. Daniel Powell

This round was versus Daniel Powell, we were both qualified, so we played a bit more relaxed. Daniel won the map roll, so I played Deadpool and Venom Magneto. It was a low point game, but a Radioactive Clay swap to Sakaarian controlling Thanos to finish off Molecule Man gave me the lead. A couple of turns later time ran out and I won the round.

Top 32: Swiss Army with Sakaarian Iron Man, Scarlet Witch and Sky Tyrant vs Brad Broyles

By this round we were all very tired. Brad wins the roll and chooses Negative Zone. Brad makes his move to equip and stays in the starting line, I send my Scarlet Witch to the other side of the map to freeze his team, leaving Scarlet adjacent to his Venom Magneto and leaving my Sakaarian ready for the next turn. He tries to finish off my Scarlett, but he couldn´t. I sent Sakaarian Iron Man to finish off Sky Tyrant and at that point I managed to start controlling the game. Brad missed a few rolls, and his support powers were negated by Felix Faust who was already in the middle of the map. A couple of moves later Brad conceded, seeing that I already had too much advantage in the game.

Top 16: Thanos with Mad Jim vs. Oscar Maldonado

One of my most difficult matchups since we both knew exactly what moves the other was going to make. Oscar and I had played this match for weeks and we knew that everything would depend on Thanos’ dice and when The Fool came out. Oscar won the map roll, and his first tarot card starting the game was “The Fool” so I knew that Emotional Modifier would protect me from the Mind Gem. His first Thanos Gem rolls were single Gems. A couple of plays later I finished off Thanos so Oscar decided to concede.

Top 8: Latveria vs. George Massu

I won the map and went to the Castle. I do Scarlet’s combo and leave Sakaarian loaded with both objects. George tries to finish off my Witch, but his attack rolls were of 6 or less. I make my swing with Jubilee, Sakaarian and Felix Faust finishing off Sky Tyrant and Molecule Man. I make a move with The Angler to separate Scarlet from the menace of 3 DOOM attacks. The next turn I finished DOOM so George couldn’t recover.

Top 4: 3 Apocalypse Vs. Jason Alvey

I won the map and did the exact same combo as I did with George in the previous game. Jason tries to finish off the Witch, but his attacks missed. I swing with Jubilee and Sakaarian to finish off the first Apoc and leave the second hurt. I move Scarlet with The Angler to the tower; I move Mad Jim to give back the Darkhold to my Witch. For my last action Mad Jim used free Barrier to protect Scarlet. Next turn Jason destroys one Barrier with Apoc, sends a token to Outwit Scarlet, but the effect was negated by Felix Faust who had already negated several of Jason’s effects. He tries to attack Scarlet but fails to finish her off. Next turn I KO’d the injured Apoc by attacking with Jubilee. I switch to The Angler again, moved Venom Magneto to free TK, repositioned Scarlet, moved with The Angler, cast another Rune to freeze the last Apoc. I sidestep, Charge and Flurry with Sakaarian carrying Felix Faust to finish off the last Apoc.

Finale: X-Men vs. Isaac Arnold-Berkovits

Instead of narrating this game, I invite you to enjoy it on YouTube. One of the most intense and complicated games I’ve ever had in my life. Isaac is the best Heroclix player.

I am very grateful for everything; it was a amazing experience. I hope to see everyone very soon and continue to enjoy this game that we all love.

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