WKO Tournament Report (Johannesburg, South Africa) – George Flatt

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George Wiliam Flattby George Flatt

South Africa had its first ever official Wizkids Open event this past weekend and I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in the event. I thought I would share with you how it went. I’m not entirely sure how the WKO events are run in other parts of the world but we do it this way here. Saturday consists of the Qualifiers to Top 8 cut off, then Sunday consists of the Top 8 single-elimination rounds. Each player that qualifies to the Top 8 cut off on Sunday is allowed to bring a different team for the Sunday, keeping the surprises going.

Saturday, we were scheduled for a 9am registration with a 10am start time. We ran slightly late waiting for a few players to arrive but around 10.15-ish we started with Round 1.

I had decided to play something that I really enjoy playing with and as such decided to go with my Krang team.

Krang 170Krang
-Rock of Eternity (Pride, Sloth, Wrath; Cunning path) 20
Juston Seyfert 40
Baxter Stockman 30
Ultron-8 Drone 30
S.H.I.E.L.D Level 7 ID (Nick ‘balls’ Fury)
Hawkeye ID (AoU106 Hawkeye 75)

The idea behind the team is very well known by now, however the slight difference is that I actually prefer the Hypersonic on Krang on cunning click 2 instead of the Flurry, so Krang moves up a little, just to stay out of range of the opponent taking a token. He carries Juston and Baxter with him by choosing flight and giant size, taking 1-damage at the end of turn and then healing with Baxter. I also take one relic from the sideline and put it on the Rock putting it onto cunning path click 1.

On turn 2 I put the second relic on the Rock granting Krang Hypersonic. I use Juston to send Krang out there and make an attack. They use Krang’s own action to hypersonic back to Juston’s side but taking another shot at the opponent’s team on his way back to safety.  In general, it’s wash, rinse, repeat, carrying Juston and Baxter to safer locations when necessary. But on round two, this is where the strategy changes depending on what teams I am playing against. Nnow you know what and how I was playing, let’s look at how it went in the tournament.

Round 1 I went against a Sinister Syndicate team. We roll of and I get an 11, thinking yes, I can choose map. (personal preference being Prison 42 indoor) but then realising my opponent rolled a 9 but has +4 Theme. Oh well. So he takes me to ‘United Nations Conference,’ a very good map choice against my Krang team. His team consisted of the following:

LE Doc Ock 80
-Supreme Intelligence 12
LE Mysterio 50
Overdrive 35
Boomerang 110
Original Sinister Six ATA 12

I was told that apparently they read my article on the SI Resource, and realised how good it was. All credit to my opponent, he knew I was probably bringing Krang and chose map and placement accordingly. Great start for him. He takes first turn creating a charged up vehicle, piloting it with Overdrive then Sidestepping everyone up slightly then placing a Mysterio bystander in the front to block line of fire.

My first turn I know I cannot reach him straight away so I decide to move up slightly and into position between two squares of blocking terrain and behind the door wall. I thought I would be safe a turn because he can’t get through to me in that position, but once again, my opponent showed his true metal as he moved up the Doc right next to the blocking terrain and at just the right angle that he could use the first attack from his double flurry to destroy the blocking terrain and then use the last 3 attacks with Precision Strike (Sinister attack trade from Boomerang gives Precision Strike) to deal 3 damage to Krang. My first mistake cost me 3 damage on Krang, who can’t afford to take the 3-damage for nothing in return. He then Sidesteps away, re-positions himself so that I cannot get to Doc Ock due to being indoors and behind Mysterio and his token.

Due to his positioning I know I cannot take the risk of Krang taking 2 more damage and not be able to kill Boomerang or Doc ock straight away, so I put the Sloth Relic on the Rock and use the Drone to Call-In Nick Fury to shoot Boomerang boosting the damage by 1 but just 1 short of killing him. Somehow we manage to go back and forth a little longer but not be able to kill each other’s figures, including a crit miss roll that was PC’d into….. a crit miss by Krang. Eventually final action is called and my opponent wins because I called in Nick fury.

Me: 0  
JP Keyser: 5   

Round 2 I go against a non-theme team consisting of the following:

Superior Spider-man 125
Mysterio 60 
FF Jean Grey 50
Harley Quinn (Flash) 65

This one went very rough for my opponent, unfortunately. I win the roll and choose the Prison. Turn 1 I attach Wrath Relic and move up behind the walls of one of the rooms against the edge of the map where he cannot get to me even with free TK. His turn 1 he moves a little further away from me and up slightly but not placed well enough to stop Krang. Most are free actions so I don’t get to click the Rock’s Sin dial up to power 2 yet so I cannot choose Wrath Relic just yet.

My turn 2 I go Colossal with Krang choose Precision Strike and then power action with Juston to get Krang out there. I target Superior but he passed his Shapechange roll. I change my target to Mysterio and proceed to kill him. I then use Krang’s own action to Hypersonic back trying to shoot Superior again but again he succeeds in Shapechange roll and I cannot target anything else so just move back to Juston’s side. His turn 2 he re-positions as best he can pushing Superior and moving his whole team behind walls because he cannot reach me.

My turn 3 I choose Colossal again and choose Precision Strike. I am now able to choose Wrath Relic from the Rock so I do. I give Juston the power action and move and attack with Krang carrying them both with and attacking Superior from adjacent square so that he cannot use Shape Change. I kill him with the first attack and then use Krang’s own power to kill the Jean Grey.

My opponent has only got Harley left. His turn 3 he clears. My turn 4 was to clear also. Turn 4 he moves Harley closer and attacks Juston dealing 2 damage to him. And the game ends my turn 5. Well played by Hannes Weise unfortunate the team was just not capable of stopping Krang.  1-1.

Round 3 I get paired against a team that I myself built as a friendly game concept. Not really the sort of team for top tier 300 Meta but a fun team none the less. The team consisted of the following:

Red Son Wonder Woman 125
LE Loki 115
Storm 50
Red Tornado ID 5 (Red Tornado 95)

I win roll off choosing Bank Heist indoor which was on the table already. I know how my opponent plays because he is in my Clix club so I know he will hole up the 3 figures together in a corner. I choose to go first moving Krang up a little carrying Juston and Baxter and Sidestepping up the Drone. His turn 1 he moves up and Perplexes up Loki twice and Wonder Woman once but keeping himself just out of range of Krang.

My turn 2 go Colossal with Krang and choose Precision Strike. I use Juston again and move krang up to shoot at Loki whilst carrying Juston and Baxter. He succeeds at Shapechange so I change target to Wonder Woman and hit her. I then use Krang’s own power to Hypersonic back and try shoot at Wonder Woman again. I hit but he theme team probs. I miss so I prob, I hit so he probs again, I miss lol. I run back and stop a little closer than I was before to make sure I can be in range even if he moves.

His turn 2 he Perplexes Loki’s Defense and Regens with Wonder Woman up 2 clicks. I know I can take it a little easy on my turn 3 so I clear to get the Flurry attack next turn. His turn 3 he moves back as far as he can and Perplexes up Loki’s defence again.

My turn 3 I once again go Colossal but this time I can choose Wrath relic so I do. I choose Precision Strike and use Juston to get Krang right up there to attack Loki. First attack Kills Loki. I stay there and Flurry Wonder Woman to death and then storm. Good attempt by Brandan Lotter but again just not enough to stop Krang. 2-1.

The final round for Saturday was a little more difficult. The team consisted of the following:

KC Spectre   130
-Brainiac 25
KC Green Lantern 30
Magneto 90
Pandora’s Box (Sloth, Wrath, Greed) 24 

I win the roll off and choose Bank Heist indoor again. I go first moving Krang up slightly and carrying Juston and Baxter again. I Sidestep up the Drone. His turn 1 he moves up a quarter of the map and puts himself in a corner then uses Barrier to block himself in. He gives Sloth to Spectre

My turn 2 I put the second relic on the Rock getting Hypersonic again. I go Colossal and use Juston to give Krang the free move and attack. I move up carrying them both shooting the wall next to Green Lantern. I then use Krang’s own power to Hypersonic away, shooting and killing Green Lantern and carrying Juston and Baxter behind a wall on the other side of the map. His turn 2 he puts greed on Magneto, rolls for the box and gets Running Shot. He uses Running Shot with Spectre but rolls into a crit miss, PCs and rolls a hit, I prob and he rolls a miss.

My turn 3 I clear. His turn 3 he rolls prob on the box and then clears.

My turn 4 I go Colossal and use Juston to go after Magneto missing with the first attack getting crit miss and prob into crit miss (second time this tournament). I then use his own attack to kill Magneto using the Flurry attack but have now left Juston and Baxter open to attack. His turn 4 he rolls Prob on the box and so he Phases within range and line of them both.

My turn 5 I go Colossal again but this time I only have the Hypersonic, so I run to protect Baxter and Juston taking a shot at Spectre hitting but then getting PC’d into a double miss. His turn 5 he moves into a new position to target Juston and Baxter again and also Krang. This whole time he manages to keep himself hidden from the drone also so that I cannot call in Hawkeye or Nick fury, but this time seems to have forgotten the two ID call in characters. His positioning is still good enough to prevent Nick Call-In but not the Running Shot Hawkeye.

My turn 6 I Call-In Hawkeye and Running Shot right in the way of his line of fire to Krang and the others. I roll the attack but miss his 20 defense. I clear Krang because I know he must clear next turn also all the while healing with Baxter. His turn 6 he rolls running shot and clears.

My turn 7 I now have Flurry and Juston next to me. I go Colossal, Giant Reach:3 Spectre and hit, dealing 6-damage to him and taking a Mystics. I then use the Flurry to finish off the job. A tough game with some very good positioning from my opponent well done Neren Singh. 3-1.

This brought us to the end of the Saturday qualifiers. I manage to take 2nd seat going into the Finals for Sunday. The best thing is that all four members of Team MajestixSA made it into the Top 8 cut off in positions 1,2,4 and 6! Well done boys!!!

Sunday as mentioned before, allowed us to bring different teams. I really wanted to try a different concept team that was scary to think about but also requires a lot more careful playing consisting of the following:

Krang 170
LE Doc Ock 80
Juston Seyfert 40
S.H.I.E.L.D lvl 7 5 (Nick ‘balls’ Fury)
Hawkeye ID 5 (AoU106 Hawkeye 75)

Unfortunately the first round pairings were randomized and ended up having me play against one of my team mates but hey, was bound to happen eventually. His team consisted of the following:

Quinjet + Resource Dial 75
Felix Faust 80
-Brainiac 25
Ultron-8 Drone 30
FF Jean Frey 50
The Atom 15
S.H.I.E.L.D lvl 7 5 (Nick ‘balls’ Fury)
Iron Man ID 5 (SR Iron Man 50)
Hawkeye ID 5 (Hawkeye 94)
Triathlon ID 5 (Triathlon 60)
Spider-Man ID 5 (Superior Spider-Man 125)

I win the roll off and choose the Prison again with the hopes of making him have to choose a channel for his Jean TK and then I can come from the other side with Krang’s superior movement.

 Turn 1 I move Krang up into the first building but just enough to stay out of a sidestep call in for Nick and in the right positioning that a TK Sidestep Call-In wouldn’t work either. His 1st turn he actually moves his figures to the back row and moving The Atom in front of them. By doing this he has made sure that My Doc/Krang combo can’t both reach him. Felix rolls nothing useful.

My turn 2 I clear knowing that I could go after The Atom but then be double token’d putting myself on the back foot if he started to TK and Sidestep up. His turn 2 he again rolls nothing useful with Faust and clears.

My turn 3 I go Giant size and choose Energy Explosion. I use Juston to let Krang move up and shoot The Atom dealing 1 splash damage to Jean Grey hiding behind him. I then use Krang’s own steam to move back next to Juston and then at the end of turn take the 1 damage and heal from Baxter. His turn 3 he rolls yellow on Faust allowing him to shoot at my team from the back line. He Sidesteps his Drone around Jean and then rolls for the Faust attack and hits Juston and Doc Ock. Juston rolls successfully for his Super Senses and Doc takes the 3-damage. This puts Doc on a 9-attack but also gives him Sidestep now making it that the Krang/Doc Ock combo will reach.

My Turn 4 I go Colossal again, give Doc a power action to remove the tentacle pair token then use Juston to allow Krang the move and attack carrying Doc. I run up with Krang again choosing EE and shoot Faust. This was where I had made my first mistake. I got so excited that I was in range to do the combo that I forgot that Brainiac had given Faust Impervious. Had I realised I would have chosen Pen/Psy instead. Faust rolls for Impervious and gets a 4 taking 2 less damage and keeping him alive. I now have to use Doc. Oc’s attack against Faust first instead of against Jean Grey like I wanted. So, Doc Sidesteps up and makes his first attack, 9 against 18. Misses, prob, misses. Second attack hits and Kills Faust. Third attack against Jean and hits, she misses her Super Senses and takes 2-damage. Last attack he hits and jean rolls a successful save with Super Senses. This is where I made my second and biggest mistake but also not my last. I knew I could Charge/Flurry to kill the Drone and Jean but then I would be vulnerable to the jet and visa versa, so instead I moved all the way back to Juston leaving Doc as bait to keep my opponent busy. I don’t mind losing the Doc so long as I can still come back next turn for more attacks with Krang to KO the rest. The part where I made the mistake, was forgetting that the Drone had Sidestepped up and to the other side of Jean Grey making him now in range for TK then Sidestep then Nick Fury Call-In. Which he did. And then Krang died. He then cleared tokens and passed the turn.

My turn 5 I Sidestep with Doc and proceed to Flurry kill Jean Grey. I clear. His Turn 5 he starts to move up his Drone to come after Juston with Sidestep and then moves the Jet away from Doc worried that I might get a lucky double Flurry and take it out.

My turn 6 I Sidestep Doc following the jet and move Juston away and into a bush then clear Doc. His Turn 6 he moved further then cleared the jet clicking up the resource dial hoping to build up to a Triathlon Call-In.

 My turn 7 is where I made my final mistake. I forgot I had Hawkeye on the sideline. Had I remembered, I could have called him in and then Running Shot to take out the Drone. I was already up on points, 180 – 170 and that would have made it more secure, instead I kept chasing the jet. His round 7 he manages to Call-In a real boy Iron Man and use him to Pilot the vehicle. Let’s just say that the vehicle made sure that the Doc was no longer in the house.

And that was my exit from the tournament. A huge well done to my fellow team mate whole managed to outplay me in that final game, it was the most intense and satisfying game of the whole weekend even with me making really stupid mistakes. Well done Neeren Motheeram!!!!

I still managed to get enough points though to secure a 5th place position overall. Here is a simple breakdown of the Top 8 teams


Mohamed Hoosen

1st place – Mohamed Hoosen (Team MajestixSA)
Quinjet 140pts
Solaris 25pts
Ultron-8 30
Jarvis 40
Night Nurse 20
Triathlon ID (3-D Man)
Black Panther ID (Black Panther 45)
S.H.I.E.L.D lvl 7 (Nick ‘balls’ Fury)
Superman ID (Superman Blue)
Ronin ID (Ronin 109)
Hulk ID (SR Hulk 100)
Bucky Barnes ID (Winter Soldier 95)
Hank Pym ID (Hank Pym 001, Ant-Man 205) 

2nd Place – Christian Ebione
Quinjet 140pts
Solaris 25pts
Ultron-8 30
Jarvis 40
Night Nurse 20
Triathlon ID (3-D Man)
Black Panther ID (Black Panther 45)
S.H.I.E.L.D lvl 7 (Nick ‘balls’ Fury)
Superman ID (Superman Blue)
Ronin ID (Ronin 109)
Hulk ID (SR Hulk 100)
Bucky Barnes ID (Winter Soldier 95)
Hank Pym ID (Hank Pym 001, Ant-Man 205) 

3rd Place – Neeran Mootheeram (Team MajestixSA)
Quinjet + Resource Dial 75
Felix Faust 80
-Brainiac 25
Ultron-8 Drone 30
FF Jean Frey 50
The Atom 15
S.H.I.E.L.D lvl 7 5 (Nick ‘balls’ Fury)
Iron Man ID 5 (SR Iron Man 50)
Hawkeye ID 5 (Hawkeye 94)
Triathlon ID 5 (Triathlon 60)
Spider-Man ID 5 (Superior Spider-Man 125)

4th Place – Krishin Pillay (Team Majestix SA)

Devil Dinosaur 100
LE Doc Ock 80
-Brainiac 25
Ultron-8 Drone 30
Vanisher 40
Avengers Round Table 25
-Batman ID (TW Batman 85)
-S.H.I.E.L.D lvl 7 ID (Nick ‘balls’ Fury)
-Hulk ID – (SR Hulk 100, Hulk 80)
-Triathlon ID (3-D Man, Triathlon)

5th Place – George Flatt (Team MajestixSA)
Krang 170
LE Doc Ock 80
Juston Seyfert 40
S.H.I.E.L.D lvl 7 5 (Nick ‘balls’ Fury)
Hawkeye ID 5 (AoU106 Hawkeye 75)

6th place – Matthew Samuels
Felix Faust 80
Superman Prime 100
Mr Mxyzptlk 70
Atomica 25
Solaris 25

7th Place – Michael Samuels
Shifting Focus Superman 90
-Eclipso 25
Element Man 100
Atomica 25
Superman Batman Robot
KC Green Lantern 
All 3 other SF Supermen on sideline

8th Place – Neren Singh
KC Spectre   130
-Brainiac 25
KC Green Lantern 30
Magneto 90
Pandora’s Box (Sloth, Wrath, Greed) 24 

Well, now we wait until next year Feb for the next WKO. Well done to all who played and to the whole ToP 8 and a big shout out to Team MajestixSA who all made it into the top 5!!!


Team Majestix South Africa

The dice of Zeus always falls luckily – Sophocles (You are not Zeus, Plan ahead)